Kelly Wyre
As Kelly Wyre, I write LGBTQIA+ romance (plus that one het novel that
made it to the page). Some I write solo, some with partners
in crime. Sometimes its kinky, sometimes its sweet, sometimes
it's the end of the world. Occasional, it's all three.
Come join the fray.
Stay tuned to my Socials for all the updates and become a Patron for behind-the-scenes action and extras.
A. Rogers
As A. Rogers, I write dark fantasy with horror elements. At least
so far. Who knows what's coming next? Stay tuned to the
socials for details, and become a Patron for behind the scenes actions and extras!

Darkprism AKA Demented Dee
I started writing fanfiction in 2008 or so, and I'm still going. While
I occasionally stray, I usually write in the land of Monoshizukanohi,
which translates to "tranquil fire." Those city streets are the
perfect blend of Chicago, New York City, and Gotham. It's
a kinky, twisted, dark, and oddly good time.
Sometimes I get a group together and record a chapter or two of the
fanfiction. Those files are available for free download. Patrons get
first dibs on a spot on the Discord Server and also early access
to the audio. Go check out my Patreon if you want to join in!
Demented Life
Strange Journeys
If you want to follow me, I recommend keeping up with me on Tumblr or my blog. Oddities, musings, Patreon general happenings, etc. will be posted at semi-regular intervals.

Support Your Local Author
Want to support the Tours? Buy the books by Kelly Wyre or A. Rogers. You can also join me on Patreon! Patrons get the news first - not to mention access to cool stuff! Patreon not your thing? You can also buy me a
coffee on KoFi.
Not able to support monetarily at this time? No worries! All free to read posts will be updated on my social media. Just follow along, bookmark the Patreon page, and I'll see you in the comments.
Message in a Bottle
Demented Tours, LLC
1657 E Stone Dr.
Ste. B Box #139
Kingsport, TN 37660
United States